Monday, January 20, 2014

Just want to let you girls and guys to know this.
Be yourself...
Everyone says it and I'm telling it to you.
If a guy/girl likes you, he/she likes you the way you are.
#1 rule don't change for anyone, change for yourself, change because you want to.
Your not a "robot" that people can just program to there liking
We're humans!!!
I'm probably not making any sense here. Overall, be yourself everyone's different, unique...
Beautiful in their own way!!
Don't try to be like everyone else be you don't want be a clone of someone else.
Be the first version of  YOU!! The one and the only.
Everyone's beautiful in there own way.
Society is not great now, but it takes one simple step to change it,THIS...
Letting people know there beautiful inside and out.
I love you all even though your strangers, and don't even know who's reading this.
Have a lovely day.