Friday, July 24, 2015

I Shaved My Head!?

Yes, indeed I did shave my head. Don't believe me? Here is some evidence, my shaved  head and I.


I completely chopped my hair off and my father took a razor and finished off the job, No, I do not not like it. Also, nor do I regret it.  I love it! You don't have to deal with styling your hair, plus it takes off three minutes off your shower. Its not something you would really see a girl do. A girl with a shaved head is pretty rare. At first when I shaved my head I was embarrassed, I gave up ice cream for not going out in public. I felt the need to wear makeup just so I could look like a "girl" but in reality , which I have made this conclusion myself is, I don't need makeup I look beautiful this way.  If you, dose not  matter if your a girl or boy, I encourage you to shave your head, you'd get fresh new hair and  overall a new look. If you don't  like your shaved head well, it hair, it will grow back! 

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Hello, long time no see! To be honest I totally forgot about this blog, but I've decided to start it up again. I was seeing and a few 100 of people saw this page and I thought why not make the best of it. I was thinking that I should write about my life and tips and tricks I have in the brain of mine. So tips and tricks for school, beauty, family, health, and so much  more. What do you think? Comment down below! 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Just want to let you girls and guys to know this.
Be yourself...
Everyone says it and I'm telling it to you.
If a guy/girl likes you, he/she likes you the way you are.
#1 rule don't change for anyone, change for yourself, change because you want to.
Your not a "robot" that people can just program to there liking
We're humans!!!
I'm probably not making any sense here. Overall, be yourself everyone's different, unique...
Beautiful in their own way!!
Don't try to be like everyone else be you don't want be a clone of someone else.
Be the first version of  YOU!! The one and the only.
Everyone's beautiful in there own way.
Society is not great now, but it takes one simple step to change it,THIS...
Letting people know there beautiful inside and out.
I love you all even though your strangers, and don't even know who's reading this.
Have a lovely day.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

How To Curl Your Hair For School

My video is up for this week i know i posted this post? really late but on the other hand some people were asking me how i got and how i curled my hair into these loose voluminous curls. so here you go these curls are perfect for school.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

                   How To Take Care Of Your Skin

      By: Joanna Ramos

Everyone breaks out, and I'm here to show and tell you what works for me and how I do it.
 It all starts off with a routine, and what solution works better for your skin. For instance, Salicylic Acid solutions work great for my skin, you just have to try out solutions that work for your skin. Today I'm going to show and tell you guys what my acne treatment is and of course some tips and tricks.

 Step 1:

 You want to start with a face wash, the wash i use is Aveeno's Clear Completion Foaming Cleanser. This specific face wash is a Salicylic Acid solution. And by washing your face with a foaming wash with some sort of acne medicine in it is great especially if you have oily/combination skin. I love this product because it does not dry out your face.

Step 2:    

After you have patted dry your face with a towel is is time to extra cleanse your face. If you had applied makeup this is an important step even if you had been out side. This step that your doing is toning your face. What this is going to do is get rid of any excess oil, dirt or makeup that the face wash did not remove.

 Step 3:

  This next step is the most important, moisturizing your skin. Moisturizing your skin is the step that prevents you skin from drying out. The moisturizer that i use and i really recommend is this "Aveeno Clear Completion Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment." This product not only hydrates your skin but it also evens out your skin tone, and treats and prevents breakouts which is awesome.

Step 4:

   This is the step that you choose which is helping out treat your breakouts and blemishes. I really recommend this step because it is important as well, the acne treatment that helps you zits is drying them out. One product that I love using is this Clean & Clear Persa-Gel-10, this product works really well to dry up those nasty pimples.

   Just follow these four steps and you'll have clear skin in no time. I hoped you found this blog post helpful I'll see you soon.

  Don't forget to check out my latest video on my YouTube channel here.


Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Beginning

The Beginning 

         Just for a 13 year old, makeup and fashion is all in for me. I have my own YouTube channel and that is one start for me. All, I know right now is that I have passion for makeup and fashion. When your a Beauty Guru, there's a lot of things in store for you but, when your a beauty blogger in my opinion is a place where you can express yourself on how you feel about makeup. There are piles, and piles of beauty products and clothe lines in this world. I'm here to tell you tips and tricks about makeup, fashion and, overall beauty. Also, reviews on products if there worth it and telling you guys tips on how to use it.'

Hello my name is Joanna Aileen Ramos, ever since I turned 13 I got so much into makeup and fashion. I have a YouTube channel @ Joanna Ramos (Check it out.)
This is me,
                                                  Joanna Ramos a Beauty Blogger

So I hope I can go far on being a Beauty Blogger also, on YouTube.